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This past week at RYF

ryf news letter asp 7 copyIt’s February….Black History Month!!! This week at RYF, Kindergarten and First Grade students learned about Phillis Wheatley. Wheatley was the first published African-American female poet. Born in West Africa, she was sold into slavery at the age of seven and transported to North America. Second and Third graders learned about Mary Mcleod Bethune who was an African-American educator and life rights leader best known for starting a private school for African-American students in Daytona Beach, Florida which later became a college. Fourth and Fifth Graders learned about Garrett Augustus Morgan, Sr. who was an African-American inventor and community leader. He developed inventions such as the chemical for hair-straightening, the traffic light, and the gas mask. In addition to that, RYF continued to work with program participants on physical fitness, nutrition, and additional innovative educational activities while providing a hot meal and snack daily.

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