Recent News

2 – Summer Camps

RYF Summer Camps were simply spectacular. We hosted two camps located in Randolph County which consisted of all ages and age groups where we also provided breakfast and lunch for participants. We implemented RYF’s summer curriculum and focused on tasks that the participants could use throughout the coming school year and life. The curriculum and tasks consisted of arts, crafts, physical fitness, educational activities, games, cursive writing, resume writing, job interviews, financial balance and one additional item, “vision boards”. Vision Boards were added to continuously embed greatness into the participants brains. This board should remind each participant that it does not matter where they come from, but where they are trying to go! They are to look at their vision boards daily to refocus on their goals, work hard to obtain each goal, and celebrate all accomplishments!

We could not have had two great successful summer camps without our committed team, who share the same vision that RYF strives to impart daily. Thank you to each and every one of you….. our founder Donnell Harvey, executive director Natischa Harvey, bus driver Billie “Pete” Byrd, site monitors Shantaria Daniels and Quantavious Lewis, SYEP employees, Kitchen Staff and volunteers. “Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much”!

Thank you for another successful summer!
RYF’s Summer Camps! (video links below)

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